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It's time to ditch the spreadsheet(s).

Get the answers you need in seconds with marketing analytics you can talk to.
Coming soon from the Norby team.
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Just ask for what you need

Get answers in real time. No number crunching required.
"How many orders did I get from my newsletter last week?"
"What are the biggest changes to KPIs since yesterday?"
"Where am I getting the most traffic from right now?"
"When was the first time Jane Smith appeared in my funnel?"

Integrates with your tools

Just connect your stack to let anyone on your team analyze, share, and tell compelling stories with your data – all while staying secure and accurate.
"How many orders did last week's newsletter lead to?"
"What channels are driving the most purchases right now?"
"What referrers drove the most downloads last week?"
"How many attendees made a purchase after the launch?"
"How many webinar attendees have made a purchase?"
Google Analytics
"What blog posts are driving the most downloads right now?"
"Which sequences drove the most sales last month?"
"Which products are driving the most calls booked right now?"
"Which marketing automations are performing best right now?"
I'm blown away. This is a game changer.
Before using Pivot we just couldn’t get our act together - productivity was low and the place was a mess. After Pivot we became MVP of our chosen field. 💪🏽💪🏽
Cameron Ford
VP of Marketing,
We build our website based on #pivot and #webflow and couldn’t be happier with the results.
Katherine Headley
Lead Designer,
This is saving me HOURS of work on a weekly basis. I can't believe how good it is.
VP Sales
Director of Sales,
Not only does Pivot deliver on all of its promises, it goes above and beyond customer service.
Luke Rielly
Guru E-Learning
At first we were using templates solely to mock up designs for clients, but the design of Pivot was so strong that the client demanded we keep it.
Marketing Lead,
I won’t mince words, Pivot is 100% legit. Our workflow has been supercharged by the plethora of design options and the attnetion to detail is seriously next-level. GET INTO IT.
Head of User Experience,
Without Pivot we would still be managing things the bad old way: wasting time, missing deadlines and finger-pointing. No more! Pivot has saved our business. 💰
Sam P.
Head of Engineering,
Couldn’t be happier with the design and customer service from this team.
Sally V.

Hey there,

We’ve spent the last two years working with marketing teams of all shapes and sizes, from solopreneurs to startups with fractional growth consultants to enterprise companies with teams of marketers and data analysts.

Our goal this year is simple: how can we use the technology and community we've built to support and empower even more of them?

We're working on something brand new and we can't wait to share it with you. We'll have more to share in the coming weeks, but in the meantime sign up below to be the first in line for early access.

– Team Norby

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